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In this issue, we are proud to present the second Terra-funded digital humanities article (“A Digital Recreation of the Lenox Library Picture Gallery: A Contribution to the Early History of Public Art Museums in the United States”), this one devoted to the art gallery in the short-lived Lenox Library in New York City (1870–1911). A 3-D reconstruction of the gallery, located in a Richard Morris Hunt–designed building on Fifth Avenue and Seventieth Street (the site of the current Frick mansion), takes us back to the early 1880s, when the gallery was a popular tourist attraction. We learn not only about the paintings Lenox collected over a lifetime, but also what curatorial strategy he used once his private art collection went on public display.

We hope this interesting project will encourage authors to come forward with yet more digital humanities projects to be published in NCAW. There is still some Terra funding available for projects on art and visual culture of the United States during the long nineteenth century, for which we recently sent out a call for proposals (“Call for Proposals”). We welcome proposals in other areas as well.

Looking two years down the road, our penultimate Terra project will be a special digital humanities issue on the interior in the United States during the long nineteenth century to be published in the summer of 2020. In preparation, NCAW is organizing a workshop where those interested in publishing an article in this issue can present a preliminary paper. Information about this workshop has already gone out on various listservs.

Meanwhile, we hope you will enjoy this exceptionally rich issue of NCAW. We thank all of our authors and also those on the NCAW team who have gone beyond the call of duty to make the issue a success. Special thanks go to Dave Schwittek, assistant professor of graphic design and digital media at Lehman College, CUNY.

Happy reading!