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With this issue, we are celebrating NCAW’s ten-year anniversary! Indeed, it was in 2002 that we launched our first issue, thanks to a start-up grant from the late Hans A. Lüthy, to whom we remain forever grateful for his faith in our, what then seemed, rather chancy undertaking.

Much has happened in ten years. NCAW has contributed a great deal to the legitimization of online-only scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. It is now generally accepted that an article published in a peer-reviewed e-journal has the same academic significance as an article published in a paper journal. Increasingly, other organizations are looking at e-publishing as the most expedient and efficient way of scholarly publishing. The editors of NCAW have served as consultants to several of them. Not all have opted for NCAW’s “open access” mode, which we still believe has merit for e-journals.

In several Editors’ Welcomes, we have bemoaned the fact that NCAW, thus far, has not been able to take full advantage of its chosen electronic medium. It still resembles a paper journal in the research it publishes, and the way in which it presents that research. We are delighted to inform our readers that we expect this will change in 2012, as we have received a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support new approaches to digital research on the part of contributing authors, and/or to publish articles with enriched media content such as computer graphics, architectural modeling, and streaming video. If you have an idea for an article that fits the these broad categories, please contact Petra Chu to discuss it with her (chupetra[at]