Káma-Kapúska! Making Marks in Indian Country, 1833–34

Wied-Neuwied’s Journal Pages

In this project, I argue that over the winter of 1833–34 Fort Clark constituted a Middle Ground space, actively co-created between non-Native fur company personnel and the five villages of the Awatíkihu. The basis for this argument is the exchange processes that one sees repeatedly in Prince Maximilian zu Wied-Neuwied’s journals. This project section presents a portion of this exchange, as recorded by Wied-Neuwied in thirty-five journal entries involving Numak'aki chief Mató-Tópe. (View Sources.)

The timeline above allows you to navigate to any particular entry—simply click on a date, then click the hyperlinked date that appears at the top of the timeline. A single thumbnail represents the day’s exchange, though on the specific page you may find as many as five or six representative images.

Alternatively, you can read the entries in chronological order by clicking on the “Begin with . . .” blue navigation button below. The adjacent backward arrows («) will take you to the previous page in the path, while the greyed section title above each entry’s date will return you to the timeline.

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