Guidelines for Book/Exhibition Review Submissions

General Information

NCAW does not accept unsolicited book or exhibition reviews; instead, reviews are solicited exclusively by the reviews editor. Suggestions for books and exhibitions to be reviewed, however, will be welcomed and publishers and authors are encouraged to send books and catalogues to the following address:

David O’Brien
143 Art and Design Building
608 East Lorado Taft Drive
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, IL 61820


Reviews commissioned by the reviews editor are to be submitted by email as Microsoft Word documents to reviews_editor[at] Reviews, ideally, should be at least 2,000 words in length.

Images are welcome and encouraged in reviews. Book reviews should include an image of the cover of the book. Authors of exhibition reviews are encouraged to include installation photographs provided by the museum or by the author. For more information on the way to submit images and the format of the captions, see Style Sheet and Images.

Book reviews should begin with the full details, including author, title, publisher, date of publication, number of photographs in color and black and white, list price, and ISBN number. The format should be as follows (double spaced and with the punctuation as indicated):

Name(s) of author(s), editor(s), and/or contributor(s),
Title in italics.
City of publication: name of publisher, date of publication.
number of pages followed by pp.; number of color and b&w illus.; additional items, such as appendix; bibliography; index; notes.
cost of publication and indication in parentheses as to (hardcover) or (softcover)
ISBN number

For example:

Linda Nochlin,
Misère: The Visual Representation of Misery in the 19th Century.
New York: Thames & Hudson, 2018.
176 pp.; 51 color and 77 b&w illus.; bibliography; notes; index.
$35 (hardcover)
ISBN 978–0–5002–3969–8

If applicable, exhibition reviews should cover both the exhibition and its accompanying catalogue, with all bibliographic information for the catalogue, and all venues of the exhibition’s tour. They should begin with the following information (please note the punctuation):

Title of exhibition in italics
Museum or gallery name, city only
Inclusive dates in US style, for example: March 25–July 8, 2021 (same year) or December 17, 2020–April 5, 2021
If relevant, a list of additional venues following the format above.

Authors, editors, or contributors names,
Title in italics.
City of publication: name of publisher, date of publication.
number of pages followed by pp.; number of color and b&w illus.; additional items, such as appendix; bibliography; checklist; index; notes.
cost of publication and indication in parentheses as to (hardcover) or (softcover)
ISBN number

For example:

Degas à l’Opéra
Musée d’Orsay, Paris
September 24, 2019–January 29, 2020

Degas at the Opéra
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
March 1–July 5, 2020

Catalogue: Henri Loyrette, ed.,
Degas at the Opéra.
London and New York: Thames & Hudson, 2020.
320 pp.; 300 color illus.; bibliography; chronology; notes & references; index.
$49.95 (hardcover)
ISBN–13: 978–0500023396

NB: All authors should refer to the Style Sheet before submitting their reviews and images.