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Sculpted Glyphs: Egypt and the Musée Charles X
by Elizabeth Buhe

with David Eisenberg, Nicholas Fischer, and Daniel Suo

Introduction     |     3D Model     |     Sculpted Glyphs     |     Primary Sources     |     Project Narrative

Egyptian Antiquities in the Musée Charles X: A 3D Model

NOTE: To best view interactive 3D content, built in WebGL, we strongly recommend using Google Chrome as your browser on recent operating systems such as OSX Mavericks and Windows 8.1. The 3D model is not compatible with Safari or Internet Explorer. Depending on your operating system and the speed of your internet connection, the model may take some time to load. If the software detects that your browser is unable to display the fully-navigable model, you will see an alternative version, either an entirely static or partially navigable version depending on your browser and your device’s capability. Text will indicate that your browser does not support WebGL, and that you are viewing an alternative version of the 3D model.

A 3D model provides a means to visualize the display of Egyptian antiquities in the Musée Charles X as conceptualized by Champollion. A representative sample of 3D objects has been placed inside the tall armoires and short window vitrines. Given time and budgetary constraints, it was impractical to render all the artifacts that were displayed in each cabinet. Furthermore, in Champollion’s installation, objects were often shown alongside many of the same type. As a general rule, rather than rendering many like artifacts, we opted for greater breadth by representing single but diverse examples. However, we made an exception in two cabinets of the third room (salle funéraire) by replicating a single ushabti “dummy” many times with the goal of suggesting the historic density of objects in each cabinet. For a complete list of the objects that were exhibited in each cabinet, please consult Primary Sources.

This model is intended as an interpretive tool that provides a fully-dimensional sense of what the French public would have observed in the Musée Charles X from its inauguration in late 1827 onward.

To navigate horizontally within the model, use the arrows on your keyboard.

Press R and F to move vertically and adjust your vantage point.

            Click to expand into full screen mode.

            Click to move back one gallery.

            Click to move forward one gallery.

Click on any object to view a pop-up window that reproduces and translates the associated passage from Champollion’s guidebook, the Notice descriptive, and that also displays that object’s historic and contemporary accession numbers.

How to Cite this Model
Elizabeth Buhe with David Eisenberg, Nicholas Fischer, and Daniel Suo, “Egyptian Antiquities in the Musée Charles X: A 3D Model,” in “Sculpted Glyphs: Egypt and the Musée Charles X,” Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide 13, no. 1 (Spring 2014).
