
At the time the final article/review is submitted, the author will receive instructions from NCAW’s executive editor about submitting final images and a final illustration list as a Microsoft Word document. The illustration list should follow the format on the Style Sheet.

For publication, all images must be submitted digitally in jpg or png format (for line- or text-based images) or gif (for animation). They should be no smaller than 650 pixels x 650 pixels in size (about 6.5 x 6.5 in.) and no larger than 1000 pixels x 1000 pixels (about 8 x 8 in.). If scanned, resolution of images should be 300 ppi (pixels per inch). Filenames should look as follows: figure01.jpg or figure01.gif. Note: Include the extra “0” in the numbering of the file names for figures 1 to 9 so that they appear in the correct, ascending numerical order.

If authors are unfamiliar with resizing the digital images to meet the requirements of the journal’s Style Sheet, visit or

Digital images may be obtained in various ways. While permissions to publish them may be purchased from archives, image banks, and museums, the licensing is often expensive as well as restrictive. Therefore, we recommend that authors either make high-resolution scans from books or take advantage of open-access image banks that offer unrestricted, free use. Below are a number of sites that provide free images.

Many museums and libraries offer good-quality images of objects in their own collections under an open-access policy, so always consult the institution’s website first.

Examples of such institutions include:
The British Museum
The J. Paul Getty Museum
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Online Catalog
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
National Gallery of Art, NGA Images
New York Public Library Digital Gallery
Victoria & Albert Museum
Yale University Collections

Other sources for freely accessible digital images of good quality include:
Wikimedia Commons, which also includes contributions from institutions such as the Walters Art Museum, the Archives of American Art, and the German National Archive.
ARTstor, Images for Academic Publishing. Participating museums are listed on this page, and include the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and the Dallas Museum of Art.
Prometheus, The Distributed Digital Image Archive for Research and Studies, supported by several German universities.